Our Collies Went to the Kansas City Farm Show
For three days in a row, we took our 10-week old Rough Collie puppies, our 9-month old Rough Collie puppies and our 8-week old Rough Collie/Pyrenees cross puppies to the Western Farm Show in Kansas City, Missouri.
We were there to educate, inform, socialize and, of course, find new homes for our puppies. Such an awesome time getting to meet people, hear their stories and match them to the puppy just for them.
One of the highlights of our time there with our family was a special visit by the Kansas City Chiefs mascot, KC Wolfe! Here he is holding one of our Rough Collie puppies, Chief.

We had a wonderful time even though it was a long weekend. On the farm, we have to make sure all of our animals are properly taken care of in order to take these trips.
Who knew that the Rough Collie/Pyrenees cross puppies would be so cute!
You can also find your very own rough collie puppy by commenting below or send us a message.